Our Leaders
Being Presbyterian means that our church is led by a team of elders known as the session. Our pastor is part of the session, but his vote is equal to that of any other elder. We believe that the church is led best when power is neither concentrated in a single person and neither are decisions left up to a large group that has not spent time in preparation, study, and prayer. Our goal is to select godly people who will lead us to be and do the things God is calling us to do.
Pastor Sean Hall
Pastor Sean has served as the Senior Pastor at Hillside since 2013 and has a heart for bringing God’s Kingdom to bear on a broken world. He has a passion for Biblical truth, Reformed theology, Church vitality, and helping disciples live out their faith in the world. To that end, Sean is very involved in the community, serving on the Greenville Town Council, as Vice-President of the Good Shepherd Center, on the board of Neighbor to Neighbor, amongst other things.
Karyn Kirchhofer
Choir Director
Linda Pinney
Colinda Titus
Ron & Eva Sicignano
Ron and Eva are technically the newest additions to the staff but, as long time members, they are no strangers to the church. Being partially retired gives them them time to serve, relax, and spend time with family. Ron also serves as an elder of the church.
Our Elders
In the process of joining the EPC, our elders underwent a year of in-depth training, which encompassed the Westminster Confession and Church Health. We are proud of the work they’ve done and are encouraged as they lead the church to grow in faith and makes strides towards sharing the good news of the gospel. Our elders’ names are: Lynn Ferguson, Steve Pinney, Lee Kirchhofer, Nancy Lutkemeier, Tom Doan, & Frank Stratiff.